tinkering around
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Ruby v1 : Virtual Assistant | Software
November 2016 | Posted on December 2020
Version 1
A virtual assistant application which integrates Google's cloud speech-to-text
to recognise user's command and text-to-speech API to generate a virtual voice. The GUI was created
using Tkinter and Rainmeter (for wallpaper visuals). This system was integrated with
Arduino for home automation, such that the lights and motorised blinds were controlled by voice.
A Walkthrough of Desktop Version
Smart Mirror and Home Automation Integration
The smart mirror is simply a two way mirror with a computer monitor behind it, running the
Ruby software with some adjustments in the display theme.
In order to achieve home automation, an Arduino microcontroller was connected to Ruby, such that the
voice commands controls a relay for the lamp, and a stepper motor for the blinds.
A photoresistor was used to ensure the lamp switches off if there is enough sunlight.
Finally, Ruby was also connected to a humidity and temperature sensor in the room, for environment information.
The images below shows the stages of the smart mirror build.